At the beginning of our ICT class, our teacher showed us the web pages of previous students. These served as examples for our own community-based research (CBR) project. This was the project that set us off on our adventure into the realm of web design and research.
The first thing we did was come up with ideas on which part of Bantay we would concentrate on. After a lot of debate in the ICT classroom, we were able to limit it down to a location that seemed to fit the topic we wanted to investigate. The next step was to select a design for our website. After some discussion, we decided to go with a combination of Bantay and Caoyan's web pages that we thought best represented our research.
We concentrated on the "Livelihood and Economics" area for our CBR. This meant that we would be investigating and presenting the most important livelihoods, business, and industries in the area. We wanted to learn more about Caniaw's economic achievements and problems faced, so we looked at sub-topics such as employment, entrepreneurship, and community industries.
After we had settled on our topic, we decided to choose Caniaw, a barangay in Bantay, as the place to gather information and data for our project. Although only one of us went there personally, we worked together in preparing questions and arranging the interview. We also spoke with a local official who worked in the area, which provided us with important information for our project.
As the sun set, we all met online through Google Meet to talk about and assign the work that needed to be completed when we returned home. Even though we were working from our respected places, the meeting gave us the time to work together and make progress as a team. We were able to complete and polish our research report after two days of hard effort. We also used Google Docs so that we can access and edit the file and to keep everything organized .
The second challenge we faced was determining the design and layout of our webpage, beginning with the image for the homepage. We took some time to share our thoughts with each other in an effort to identify the ideal image that would represent the core of our research. After that we were able to slowly make progress in the coding and design, improving the webpage so that it would align with what we had envisioned.
We were then able to finish both our research paper and the design of the webpage after a lot of collaboration and hardwork. We felt proud of what we had accomplished together. This project taught us not only about web design but also about the necessity of working together and sticking with it when doing research.
Very good post, I love it. Especially the way you construct your essay and your deep vocabulary words.